

A new Design for Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port

A New Design For Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s Website

1 March 2021
A modern, clean design, simplified browsing, a new architecture... Produced in collaboration with the Nantes-based communication agency VUPAR, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s all-new website ‒ ‒ offers a completely fresh user experience.
Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port and its Port Community in Video

Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port and its Port Community in Video

22 February 2021
Be My Port
3 minutes in which to discover the terminals, logistics offers and port-related activities through the lives of the women and men who move the Port and its Port Community forward.
Michelin NEOLINE

Michelin chooses the French start-up NEOLINE

12 February 2021
Cargo shipNEOLINE
Firmly committed to reducing CO2 emissions from its logistics operations, the Michelin Group recently signed a transport commitment with NEOLINE
Electrical Substation for Banc de Guérande Wind Farm

Delivery of the Electrical Substation for Banc de Guérande Wind Farm

12 February 2021
Chantiers de l’AtlantiqueEnergyMREBanc de Guérande Wind Farm
Ordered in June 2018 by wind farm operator Société Parc du Banc de Guérande, a subsidiary of EMF, which is a consortium of the companies EDF Renouvelables, Enbridge Inc and WPD Offshore, the electrical substation for the Banc de Guérande wind farm
Construction Base

Opening of the Wind Farm Construction Base

5 February 2021
EnergyGE Renewable EnergyMREBanc de Guérande Wind FarmSaint-Nazaire
Installed close to the east lock, on the Quai de Kribi quay in Saint Nazaire, the construction base for the wind farm facility to be sited off Saint Nazaire was opened on 4th February.
Trois grues destinées aux filières agroalimentaires, industrielles et EMR

Three Cranes for the Agri-Food, Industrial and MRE Sectors

10 December 2020
Three new latest-generation Liebherr port cranes have been received at the Port of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire.