Paimboeuf, a rich maritime past
Situated on the south bank of the Loire estuary - 25 km upstream from Saint-Nazaire - Paimbœuf is a historic port site. This former outport of Nantes had its heyday in the 18th century. Its quays camped between two arms of the Loire, its narrow streets and colossal buildings are there to remind us of its rich maritime past.

Equipped with a berthing front and two pontoons, the Paimbœuf port site is now home to a team dedicated to the logistics of the Nantes - Saint Nazaire Port fleet, in particular the three dredgers: the Samuel de Champlain (suction dredger in operation), the Le Milouin (water injection dredger) and the André Gendre (stationary cutter suction dredger) for the dredging of berths.