The Smart Port Initiative
At the heart of an ecosystem comprising Regional Community players, port professionals, logistics specialists and industrial firms, and also stakeholders from the digital technology sphere, Nantes − Saint Nazaire Port has launched a Smart Port initiative in order to facilitate and to expedite digital innovations benefitting port-related activities and enhancing the Region’s appeal.
The Port of Tomorrow is Written Today
Being committed to energy and ecological transition, Nantes − Saint Nazaire Port is also seeking to rise to the challenge of digital transition. In 2018, the Port Authority launched a Smart Port initiative with the support of Regional Community players and stakeholders in port-related activities on the Loire Estuary, namely Pays de la Loire Regional Authority, Loire Atlantique Departmental Authority, Nantes Metropolitan District Council, Saint Nazaire Urban Area District Authority, the Nantes − Saint Nazaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nantes Ports Maritime Union, the PMBA Brittany-Atlantic Region Maritime Cluster and the PASCA Atlantic Supply Chain and Procurement Organization.

Hackathon SmartPort saison 2 : retour en images
One App and Two Prototypes Thanks to the 2019 Smart Port Hackathon

The holding of a hackathon in November 2019 can be looked upon as the first stage in the implementation of this initiative.
Over a 48-hour period, 70 people devoted their energies to coming up with concrete, innovative solutions of benefit to port-related activities. Seven projects emerged in response to the four challenges proposed. Nantes − Saint Nazaire Port made an undertaking to invest in the development of three solutions.
The first solution would enable vessels approaching the Port to reduce their CO2 emissions and their fuel consumption, by ensuring that the information regarding estimated times of arrival is more precise. A prototype has been created.
A second solution has been developed, the aim of which is to speed up the communication of data on traffic circulation conditions, both in real time and predictively, based on a participatory process of data collection. This work has resulted in the creation of the "Safe in Port" app, which is now available on Android and iOS.
And lastly, a planned pathway through the Estuary, connected and physical at the same time, involving a real-time application and display system, and co-built with the wider community so as to communicate information to the general public, is currently in development.
Enfin, des parcours de balade dans l’estuaire, à la fois connecté et physique (application et système d'affichage en temps réel), co-construits avec le citoyen pour communiquer des informations au grand public, ont été développés avec la société Baludik. "Du côté du port" est une proposition numérique née à l'été 2021. Elle offre la possibilité au grand public de se balader et découvrir de façon ludique le premier port de la façade atlantique, à travers trois parcours touristiques atypiques sur le domaine portuaire réalisés sous forme de jeux de piste.