Update on the Advancement of Good Practices

Update on the Advancement of Good Practices

21 June 2021
Smooth Ports

Launched in Hamburg in the autumn of 2019, the Interreg Europe Smooth Ports Project aims to reduce the CO2 emissions resulting from road traffic in port activity zones by making use of alternative fuels, regulatory procedures and digital technology.

On 17th June, Nantes Saint Nazaire Port hosted a meeting with its partners: Hamburg, Livorno, Varna and Monfalcone-Trieste. The twenty participants in the videoconference shared the experience gained from the activities of Nantes Saint Nazaire Port and its good practices as regards the reduction of road transport emissions.

The programme featured a presentation of the Natural Gas for Vehicles (NGV Bio NGV) fuelling station at Montoir de Bretagne, of the one-stop facility for regulatory requirements located at the container terminal, and of the "Safe in Port" app, which makes it possible to communicate real-time information about the traffic conditions on the port road system at the Saint Nazaire dock basins.

The next stage of the project is to draft a plan of action regarding the three focal areas: alternative fuels, efficient regulatory checks and digital technology.

Contacts at Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port – Christophe Leclerc et Virginie Dias