Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port Receives the "Port Marketing Specialists Club"
The French Directorate-General for Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility (DGITM) and the CEREMA Technicial Directorate for Risks, Water and the Sea have set up a "club": a port-based working group that brings together managers with responsibility for marketing, studies, promotion or pricing, for a vision of marketing in the broad sense of the term. Two seminars are held each year, one in Paris and the other in one of France’s ports, alongside webinars throughout the year.
Last year, the club met in Marseille to discuss the topics of promotion and communication. At the last meeting, held in Paris, the exchanges focused on how to better understand shippers and eco-calculators.
This year, in collaboration with the DGITM and CEREMA, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port were the organizers of the latest meeting, which was held on 12th and 13th December. The agenda took as its theme "Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Ports and Port Marketing: Challenges and Applications", with concrete examples and cases being accompanied by practical tools for port employees.
Contact at Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port – Morgane Chopin