

English text Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

Journées Maroc - France

Morocco ‒ France Economic Gathering in Nantes

15 February 2024
The sixth edition of the Morocco ‒ France Economic Gathering took place in Nantes, from 23rd to 25th January, on the theme of the blue economy and its industrial ecosystem.

Innovative Developments at Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port

15 February 2024
Energy transition
For Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port, the ramping up of energy transition also involves the experimentation with and the accommodation of new, innovative energy solutions within the Port Authority area.

Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port Attends the Euromaritime Trade Show

15 February 2024
The Euromaritime Trade Show was held in Marseille, from 30th January to 1st February. All the economic, industrial, political or institutional players in the maritime sector came together to discuss issues relating to maritime transport, shipbuilding and ship repair, the port-based economy and marine technologies for the future.

2024 Investments Mainly Focussing on Energy Transition

24 January 2024
The Port Authority’s investment programme included in the initial budget for 2024 constitutes the fourth year of implementation of the long-term investment plan for the period 2021-2030. Representing the amount of 33.5 M€, it is a key lever in ramping up digital, energy and ecological transition.

Oportunity Announces Its Programme of Events

24 January 2024
In the course of the first half of 2024, Greater Western France’s port promotion collective will have its own stand at four major international trade shows. Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s teams will have by their side Port Community firms for each of the events, according to the sector concerned.

Choose Modal Shift!

24 January 2024
Since the middle of January, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has been giving its partners who use the short-sea or feeder maritime solutions available via the Montoir de Bretagne terminals the chance to be heard. A series of 6 episodes is to be found on our LinkedIn page and on our YouTube channel.