The Renewable Energy Sector Highlighted at Seanergy
Flying the colours of Oportunity, on a joint stand, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port and its partners Sogebras and Terminal du Grand Ouest (TGO) took part in this annual gathering of the offshore renewable energy industry.
The trade show offered Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port the chance to celebrate the start of installation operations on the Loire Estuary’s second offshore wind farm, for which Saint Nazaire will be the base (EMYN), and to announce the next stages in its plans to construct a dedicated industrial integration base for fixed-foundation and floating wind turbines in Saint Nazaire (ÉOLE), during a special event to unveil the project model to the public.
Moreover, the annual report by the Marine Energy Observatory, published on the occasion of the Seanergy Trade Show, illustrates the dynamism of this sector in the Pays de la Loire Region, which leads the way in terms of employment.
Contacts at Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port – Ludovic Bocquier & Philippe Léon