NGV and bioNGV station to open soon at Montoir de Bretagne
On a site located within the port area, at Rue des Evens, in Montoir de Bretagne, the Semi-Public Company SYDELA Énergie 44, working in partnership with PROVIRIDIS, is building a public-access filling station for the supply of NGV (Natural Gas for Vehicles), a clean, low-carbon-footprint fuel. This project initiated in 2018 by Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has the financial backing of Pays de la Loire Regional Authority and of ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency.
This station will open for business at the end of June, and will be operated by Proviridis under the V-GAS banner. It will supply NGV and BioNGV, a renewable natural gas produced from the methanization of organic waste. Designed in the first place for heavy goods vehicles, the station will also be serving light-duty vehicles and will be open to the general public.
The station will comprise 4 compressed gas fuelling lanes equipped with NGV1 and NGV2 fuelling guns. It will have the capacity to receive 500 light-duty vehicles or 50 heavy goods vehicles per day.
NGV constitutes a mature, competitive alternative to diesel. It reduces noise and improves air quality by eliminating over half of all nitrogen oxides and 95 % of fine particle emissions compared to the Euro VI Standard. What is more, NGV serves to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 10 % compared to diesel, and by over 80 % in the case of BioNGV, since the CO2 emitted in engine exhaust is equivalent to the CO2 absorbed by the methanized vegetable matter.
One More Step towards Energy Transition
Ideally located at the heart of the port activity zone, at the foot of the Pont de Saint-Nazaire bridge, the new facility will enable economic players and local community authorities to play a full part in energy transition, by converting their fleets of vehicles to NGV, notably in the areas of passenger transportation, goods transportation, waste collection, public works and logistics.
The creation of this NGV station is among the good practices of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port to be identified by the Interreg Europe Programme, within the framework of the Smooth Ports project. This initiative aims to reduced road transport emissions in the port environment by utilizing several different levers, including alternative fuels.