Logistics Solutions in the Preparatory Phase

30 November 2020

Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port is currently carrying out preparation work to roll out a 23 000 m² platform at its Montoir de Bretagne port facility.

So as to meet the growing demand for storage capacity in immediate proximity to the port activity zones, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has acquired the means to respond in terms of the deployment of turnkey solutions. Its multiannual programming of investments notably lays plans for the preparation of several platforms in the Montoir de Bretagne port activity zone. In this way, geotechnical surveys conducted by soil and materials engineering specialist Ginger CEBTP are in progress in order to do the groundwork for the operations to come. The surveys should be completed for the entire zone in the course of the first quarter of 2021.
Contact at Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port – Louis Linquier