Get Set, Go for the Solitaire du Figaro!

Get Set, Go for the Solitaire du Figaro!

30 August 2022

On 20th August, the 34 skippers competing in the 53rd edition of the Solitaire du Figaro single-handed yacht race left Nantes for the open sea and the starting point of this legendary race.

The schedule of the event features two important stages in Nantes and Saint Nazaire: the start and the finish of the race! In preparing for these high points, OC Sport has worked in close collaboration with Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port. The summertime event is laying anchor in Loire Atlantique for the next six years and brings together skippers for a race that is 1 980 miles in length.

A great showcase for Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port, which has notably been called upon to provide facilities ashore, with the installation of the race finish village on land belonging to the Port Authority, and, of course, from a maritime viewpoint, with its dock basins, plant and equipment, and all the associated expertise being made available.

We will see you in September in Saint Nazaire, for the finish of the final stage of this year’s race!