Exchanges with the Trainmar Centre in Dakar
Since 2016, the Maritime and Logistics University’s Trainmar Centre in Dakar (Senegal) has worked in close collaboration with UN e-Sea (Nantes University) to develop port-related and maritime training courses.
Among those courses, the Master’s Degree in Law and Safety of Maritime and Oceanic Activities is proposed in collaboration with the Trainmar Centre in a hybrid format. As part of that training course, Trainmar organized a study trip for a twenty-strong group of employees of Dakar Port Authority. On 20th November, Christophe Leclerc of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s Marketing Directorate presented and discussed the issues and challenges posed to port authorities by the ongoing transitions towards developing a sustainable port-based economy which is beneficial to regional communities and populations.
Contact at Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port – Christophe Leclerc