Bus tour

Bus tour

Visit of Saint-Nazaire port sites

For more than 10 years, Nantes - Saint Nazaire Port has entrusted Saint-Nazaire Agglomération Tourisme with the organisation of tourist visits to discover its downstream facilities. More than 3,000 visitors each year choose this visit, which is recognised by the Qualité TourismeTM brand.

The coach excursion, departing from the submarine base, is commented by a certified guide. The tour, with stopping points depending on the port activity of the moment, lasts 2 hours. You will drive around the terminals, get as close as possible to the containers, XXL industrial packages (aeronautical parts, wind turbine components, etc.) or witness the transfer of various goods to Saint-Nazaire, Montoir de Bretagne and Donges.

Bus tour of Saint-Nazaire, Montoir de Bretagne and Donges sites

  • Individuals and groups
  • Duration: 2h00
  • Student groups accepted

Information and bookings: Saint-Nazaire Agglomération Tourisme 

Tél. + 33 (0)2 28 540 640 (individual visit)
Tél. + 33 (0)2 28 540 809 (group visits)

Mail: contact@saint-nazaire-tourisme.com

For further information please visit: Saint-Nazaire Renversante

A visit with the Tourism QualityTM label

In 2015, Nantes - Saint Nazaire Port was awarded the TourismeTM Quality label for visits to the port facilities at the Montoir de Bretagne and Saint-Nazaire sites. It became the first Grand Port Maritime to receive this distinction.

Visit of Nantes port sites

Anchored in a history deeply linked to the city, the Nantes port domain today represents 590 ha. Concentrated on approximately 300 ha on the sites of Cheviré, Cormerais and Roche-Maurice, port traffic represents approximately 2 million tonnes and nearly 600 ship calls per year. 

Bus tour of the Nantes-Cheviré port site

Discover the port of today by visiting Nantes' port sites and facilities on board a bus*. Wheat, sand, wood, XXL parcels, recycled products... the goods in transit via Nantes Cheviré are many and varied. A true multimodal logistics platform, the Nantes sites open their doors to the world.

  • Constituted groups only
  • Duration : 2h00
  • Student groups accepted
Site portuaire de Nantes Cheviré

To arrange a visit, please send your request using the form below:

If your request is accepted, we will provide you with details of access and the cost of the visit. 

*Bus hire for the tour is at the group's expense

Si ce sont des profils scolaires, merci de préciser l'âge et la classe concernée