

English text Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.


A Good Year Despite the Uncertainties

29 August 2023
Le trafic céréales de Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port s’élève à environ 950 kt sur la campagne 2022/2023, un volume honorable bien qu’en léger recul par rapport à la campagne précédente qui dépassait le million de tonnes. La prochaine offre de belles perspectives mais également quelques incertitudes. En effet, même si la campagne qui vient de débuter en France reste prometteuse, plusieurs facteurs d'incertitude à l'échelle mondiale pèsent sur les marchés.
Territoire Loire Estuaire

Transforming the Loire Estuary Regional Community into a Low-Carbon Energy Hub

29 August 2023
Energy transition
The Loire Estuary Regional Community has just been designated as the successful tenderer following the call for proposals by the French National Agency for Energy Transition (ADEME) for a low-carbon industrial activity zone (ZIBaC) within the framework of the "France 2030" Programme. The consortium comprising the Loire Estuary Association of Industrial Firms (AILE: Arcelormittal, Cargill, EDF, Elengy, Engie, Eqiom, TotalEnergies, and Yara), Saint Nazaire Urban Area District Authority, Estuaire et Sillon Community District Authority, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port, and Pays de la Loire Regional Authority, is proposing some thirty concrete actions to speed up the decarbonization and energy transition of this industrial area. The ZIBaC label will make it possible to secure funding to prepare and to ramp up the deployment of those actions.

A New Shortsea Shipping Service at Montoir de Bretagne

28 August 2023
Shipping Service
Shipping line WEC has chosen to incorporate Montoir de Bretagne in its Northern Europe ‒ Southern Europe maritime logistics plan. The new shipping service will start operating in mid-September, and will offer its users a concrete alternative to road haulage.

An XXL Exhibition until 24th September

29 June 2023
On 1st July, the "Saint Nazaire: XXL Transitions" exhibition organized by Saint Nazaire City Council opened at the LiFE Event Space in the former submarine base. Nantes ‒Saint Nazaire Port is a partner of this event, which will continue all summer long, until 24th September.
Visite Laïta

Laïta Pays a Visit to the Port Installations at Montoir

28 June 2023
On the Quays
On 22nd June, the logistics team from the Brest-based cooperative dairy company Laïta met team members from Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s Development and Marketing Directorates at its annual seminar.

Deployment of Floating Wind Power: The First Studies for the Éole Project Have Been Launched

26 June 2023
The Éole project, which aims to anticipate the development of floating offshore wind power, is going ahead in 2023. Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port has launched the first on-site studies to provide an industrial and logistical integration base for this up-and-coming sector of activity.