Our calls for expression of interest
We have plans. We want to hear from you. Find all our calls for expressions of interest here.
Hangar 24, quai Wilson
Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port lance un appel à manifestation d'intérêt (AMI) afin de mettre à disposition un Bâtiment, nommé Hangar 24, de plus de 2 300 m2 et un terre-plein associé de 4 700 m2 en vue de sélectionner un acteur économique spécialisé dans la conception et la production d'évènements culturel, sportif, restauration éphémère, gestion de bars, évènementiel d'entreprise.
Cet ensemble est situé au cœur de la métropole nantaise sur l’île de Nantes, Quai du Président Wilson, à proximité du pont des Trois Continents et du futur CHU de Nantes.
Les opérateurs intéressés pourront retirer le règlement de consultation de l'AMI auprès des services de Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port en effectuant leur demande par mail :
Amélie Hamon : a.hamon@nantes.port.fr – Jean-Paul Sallaud : jp.sallaud@nantes.port.fr- Cédric Bouyer : c.bouyer@nantes.port.fr
Pour les professionnels intéressés, des visites du site seront organisées par Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port, sur inscription :
- mardi 14 janvier de 14h à 16h
- jeudi 23 janvier de 14h à 16h
Les dossiers de candidatures sont à adresser par courrier électronique au plus tard le 28/02/2025 à 12h aux adresses suivantes : a.hamon@nantes.port.fr, jp.sallaud@nantes.port.fr et c.bouyer@nantes.port.fr .

A CEI for the Use of the Éole Assembly Platform
To take this industrial and port-based project a step further and to drive the conditions for its success, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port wishes to launch a call for expressions of interest (CEI) in order to question all the industrial players potentially interested, directly or indirectly, in an extraordinary infrastructure dedicated to the MRE sector, similar to that planned for the Éole project.
This phase is essential to the further expansion of the MRE sector. The aim of this initiative is therefore to generate interest and reactions from any company or group wishing to:

- • develop initiatives on the Loire Estuary with a view to engaging in industrial or logistics activities, particularly in the marine renewable energy (MRE) sector;
- • express the need for a "standard" infrastructure such as that planned for the Éole project (including real estate, quayside facilities, storage facilities on the body of water, a service pontoon, etc.) to develop its business on site;
- • launch projects relating to fixed-foundation or floating offshore wind farms or to other types of marine energy;
- • develop projects linked to existing activities in the Saint Nazaire industrial and port activity zone;
- • express their needs in relation to projects requiring proximity to the quayside or the use of the body of water for industrial and logistics activities;
- • develop and produce any other MRE-related opportunities or innovations.
The CEI dossier may be obtained in electronic form at the following address: ami-eole@nantes.port.fr.
Interested industrial players are advised to identify themselves when they obtain their CEI dossier, so that they can then receive any subsequent notifications concerning this call for expressions of interest, including any amendments or answers to questions from other industrial players who express an interest.
Each interested industrial player or grouping may express their interest by submitting the response dossier no later than 30th December 2024 at 12 p.m. (GMT +02:00), to the following address: ami-eole@nantes.port.fr .
To find out more about Eole, visit our dedicated page : https://www.nantes.port.fr/en/port-professionals/eole-project