

English text Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem.

Rampe ferroviaire

A New Rail Ramp to Develop Modal Shift

21 February 2023
At the start of February, Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port acquired a rail ramp that enables light vehicles to be loaded onto and unloaded from auto-carrier wagons.

Record-Breaking Call at the Montoir de Bretagne Ro-Ro Terminal

21 February 2023
The ro-ro vessel Neptune Horizon, of the Neptune Shipping Line, called at Montoir de Bretagne on Saturday, 11th February. She had on board nearly 3 100 Renault and Dacia vehicles, which were arriving from plants in Bursa, in Turkey, and in Pitesti, in Romania. A new record.

​​​​​​​Greater Western France’s Port Promotion Collective OPORTUNITY is Coming to Meet You in Laval!

21 February 2023
On 9th March, at the Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry Headquarters, professionals from Greater Western France’s port promotion collective united under the OPORTUNITY banner are inviting firms and companies in the Department of Mayenne to find out more about the port services and logistics offer available at Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire.

Smart Port Hackathon Season 2: Three "Favourite Idea" Projects

29 November 2022
The second Smart Port Hackathon to be organized by Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port came to an end on Thursday evening at the Halle 6 Ouest Technology Centre and opens a new season of development. The participants took up the 5 challenges proposed. Each project will be pursued so as to arrive at digital solutions. The "Fun Energy", "Looport" and "Port 4 All" projects received a "favourite idea" prize from the Judges.
Mission Scandinavie

First Port Promotion Mission to Scandinavia

29 November 2022
Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port, represented by Julien Dujardin, Deputy Managing Director, and by Jérôme Guiziou, Director of Development, was part of a 20-strong regional delegation to Scandinavia from 20th to 25th November. The mission was led by Christelle Morançais, who is the Chair of Pays de la Loire Regional Council and Chair of Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire Port’s Supervisory Board, and was the first such outing in the colours of OPORTUNITY, the new brand of the port promotion collective for Nantes ‒ Saint Nazaire.

Checks on Imported Fruit and Vegetables Transferred to Customs

21 November 2022
As of 1st November, France’s Regional Directorate for Customs and Indirect Taxation (DRDDI) is in charge of conducting checks on imported fruit and vegetables at Montoir de Bretagne.